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My Global Learning Experience

All I have to say is .. If you are thinking about becoming a Global Learning student at FIU DO IT!! Seriously, so worth it

Being part of the Global Learning program at FIU exposes you to so many students, initiatives, organizations, cultures, and even new classes.


I strongly believe that you decide how impactful your college experience is going to be and joining programs like the Global Learning Program at FIU and different student organizations is an amazing way to make sure you get the best out of your college experience while also impacting others and making a positive change on the world.


If anything, my Global Learning experience has been nothing but phenomenal. I was able to meet amazing individuals and learn so many things that I would have never even been exposed to otherwise. from attending Tuesday Times Roundtables to all the different events in StartUP FIU and also some event with the Honors College as well, I can now say that I am a globalized individual.


Attending Global Learning classes also taught me that there is so much more than what you get out of your classes. Being an open minded individual, meeting new people and learning about new cultures really changes your perspective on a lot of things.


As human beings, we should focus on being more sensitive to other people and allowing ourselves to get immersed in different cultures. We should get out of our comfort zones more often and see what is out there because I promise life is much more than what is within what you know.


For me, I am super excited to what the future has to come. I know it will be incredible and if everything goes as planned I will be able to travel the world and spread positivity and bring peace to those in need. All while showcasing my Panther Spirit <3

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